Monday, April 20, 2009


Here is a wonderful man, named Hobbie, that retired seven years ago. Everyday at rush hour he rides his bike to the bridge leaving downtown Elkton. He leans on the wall and gives everyone a big smile and wave as they go by. His smile is electric. He looks you in the eye, his eyes brighten up, and his smile says, "you have just made my day by driving by and saying hi."

I rode my bike about four miles the other day to get to him and have a short talk. He said that the people waving to him makes his day. I nearly choked up talking to him. I told him my daughter had told me that she always looked forward to seeing him when she had a pizza job a couple of years ago. He said, "everyone can use a little cheer, I'm glad I've found some small way to help."

He has become somewhat of a local celebrity here. Everyone who rides by on both sides of the street, slow down, roll down their windows and wave, some honk and smiles spread faster than a wild fire. And you just feel good after seeing him. It is absolutely amazing.

Julie is recovering very slowly from the radiation treatment. The Tykerb, an oral chemo drug to keep the cancer from the brain, makes Julie sick every night. So, she doesn't sleep well and ends ups sleeping all day. She thinks her vision is improving and it is clear to me that her balance and walking is getting better. But the long battle is having its toll. 

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