Monday, August 3, 2009

Coverup and Cancer Partner

Imagine your company is covering up a problem that could result in killing people in the due course of time.  A good analogy is cigarettes.  Imagine that you know, and your company knows that cigarettes kill people.  But, if you pretend you do not know and leave no record of it, then everything will be okay.

Yea, that is not the moral road.  And if I knew my being fired, or quitting, who cause the company to be proactive, I believe I would go there even though I need the job to pay medical bills and I enjoy the freedom of my present arrangement to take care of my wife.  Yea, I am sure my company if they read this can connect the dots, because the dots connect.  Saying they connect is the sin however, not that the dots connect.

I wish the world was a better place and people tried to do the right thing.  But, in all this coverup, not yet have I heard in the room, "what is the right thing to do?"  Instead questions are on "how will the market will accept the news", etc. etc., all money questions.  Its a sad world we live in.