Friday, March 20, 2009

Cancer News

Today, started out on a sad note.  The nurse at Julie's chemo clinic had a sad tale.  She was just back to work after taking a few months off.  Her 17 year old son had just been murdered.  When her son was seven, his dad committed suicide.  She said, the life drained out of him on that day.  He was angry.  Fell out of the system, went to juvenial school.  He had just got out and he was anxious to play foot ball in high school.  He found out that they would only half of his hours from juvey school.  Upset and angry, we went back to hanging out with old, not so good friends.  But, his last act, was to try to stop a man that was beating up a woman on a public street.  He saved the woman but got knifed and died in the hospital a few hours later.  Here I was staring into the woman's eyes, I didn't say anything to her, I just cried.

The cancer doctor reviewed Julie's condition and gave us some preliminary bad news.  She said that Julie's vision may not return to normal.  I took this as more sad news.  Julie said, "maybe I will adapt and do okay".  Her body is still free of detectable cancer.  The new cancer drug, Tykerb, is causing problems with acne, mouth sores, and pimples.  They reduced her dosage from 5 pills a day to 4.  

I left Julie in the clinic while I went to the local coffee shop where I work via their wireless connection and drink coffee.  I took a conference call on the outside bench.  When I was finished I turned to go inside.  Door locked.  I saw the owner, a middle age woman than really likes Julie, inside talking to a man.  I knocked on the door again.  She yelled out, we are closed.  I asked what time do you open.  We are not opening.  I was confused and then noted the sign on the door, closed until further notice.  Perhaps another causality of our economic crisis.  Great place, I will miss it.  The two waitresses that work there, I guess they just became two more unemployed people, not spending their money, and so the downward spiral goes.  Real people, real pain.

Instead, I went to the pharmacy and got pills.  Got a call from Jens from Denmark.  We are trying to get a project funded on magnesium processing from the European Union.  We have been trying for ten years, more or less.  We are close again, to getting a million, or so we think.  I am already starting to spend the money.

Held a meeting with Olean via webex to get a project funded for next year.  Got about half a million, I have to work some more to get the other $130K I was asking for.  Nope, its not mine, just money I can spend getting my work done.

Older daughter, Allison, came home to visit for supper.  She left early since she was going to a party held by one of her gay friends.  She is opening to expand her group of gay guy friends.  She says they are the best friends a gal can have.  Olesia, made peanut butter cookies.  She is now responsible for me being overweight, code word for fat.  But, I am full now, too full, and will never eat again.  I promise.

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