Monday, May 25, 2009

Status Quo on Tykerb

Julie is learning what combination of medicine she can take and not get sick.  We figure her tykerb is the most important, so all the other stuff like antibiotics, have to play second fiddle.  But, it has been a few nights since she threw up, so the strategy is working some.

Julie stays tired all the time and goes to bed early most nights, 8:30 pm or so.  She usually wakes up around 8 am and listens to the weather and her tv shows until lunch time or after.  She gets up in hte afternoon and comes down and watches tv.  Lately, she has been going out to the yard for an hour or so, and even mowed the front yard sitting on the tractor last week.

We have gone to neigborhood parties yesterday and today.  We stayed a couple of hours, which did Julie in, and then she came home and slept.  She said, half kidding and half serious, that I was flirting with Tina, a long-legged sister of Jody, who was throwing the party.  I thought I was just staring and drooling.  Tina is taking care of her mom who has Alzheimer's. She was telling me about the guilt she is feeling thinking about putting her mom in a nursing home.

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