Julie had a pretty good week due to good drugs (chemo) and some good friends helping out ... and we should add, her upbeat attitude (I almost take that for granted).
Here is Cindy on one of her many visits. She is like a one woman wreaking crew, except she cleaning up, pulling weeds, doing dishes and organizing. She is my kind of person, she just jumps in and does it. Makes great bread and lazanja (sp), too, but I think I said that already. Thanks.
Shelby, our neighbor, is going to apply for her taxi license. There is a groove in the road between her house, our house and Elkton medical center.
Bunny and Trish both brought great salads. There is some more food but, I am drawing a blank at the moment. I will come back to this paragraph.
Janice came over, watered, got our mail, and did I mention, did the push mower all the places where the riding mower couldn't go. Guess who did the John Deere. I have got to admit the way she started buzzing around scared me some, well a lot. I went inside and had a beer. But, Bunny did a great job.
By the way, I told Bunny and Roberta that Ashton is 99% brilliant, 1% insane. I think Bunny is a believer. Ashton lead us, like Lassie used to do, to the back of our lot just for his amusement. Bunny earlier, sitting on the couch took out her camera and Ashton attacked it. He hates cameras, especially bright shiny silver one, they steal his soul, I presume.
Roberta pitched in pulling weeds, trimming flowers / bushes, and then finished up by cleaning the kitchen and vacuuming.
Julie had a chem-port put in her chest this week, had her second chemo, gave blood samples, got three super-shots to help her red-blood count, and helped pull some weeds after she got back from her operation (chem-port). Today she is tired and has spent most of the day in bed, but is not coughing much. She over did it on Friday as you might have guessed. But, on the other hand, she was really enjoying all the visits and seeing her friends. Many of them had never been to our house and she was proud to show her gardens and even took a few down to her craft room where she works her magic. Julie even started talking about going back to some of the Master Gardner Meetings. I hope she can, put I also hope she doesn't do too much too soon.
For those of you that want to know about Julie's drugs, see this link Julie's Cancer. I just started this page and it is not well organized yet, but I hope to add to it in my free time .. oh, I forgot, I don't have any. Anyway, I plan to learn more and write it down on this link. The side effects on all the drugs are pretty scary.
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