First, let me try to say thanks to everyone that has already helped before my senility settles in. First, thanks to Cindy for trying to help me organize, a helpless task. Thanks to Janice for watering the back yard garden.
Whow ... great chicken lasagna from Cindy along with some great Cinnamon flavored bread. Janet brought a great home made chicken pot pie. And Shelby was a personal taxi driver the last two days for all of the runs to the doctor, chemo, bone scan, etc. Peggy, Jody, and Christina dropped by to see Julie and talk. I drank wine with them ... someone has to do it. We have lots of cheap wine, two bottles are on the table now.
Julie did her second chemo today and it went much better. She has slept a lot but didn't get sick.
When she went back for her bone scan in Shelby's taxi, I insisted on replacing her portable oxygen bottle since it only had 25% left. It annoyed Julie since she was sure it was enough. When she took off the bottle before the bone scan, she realized that she had not turned it on. She hadn't noticed, she said. Well, I think she did that just to show me my mothering wasn't required, or just from the pure pleasure of me being wrong. But, that could not have happened even a week ago, when Julie was struggling to breath.
I will give some more details on the cancer treatment details soon. But, there are three drugs in Julie's cocktail. On day one, Julie got all three drugs. On day eight (today), Julie got only two of the drugs. On day 15, she will get the two cocktail chemo again. Then it starts all over again. The next three drug cocktail will be on the 23rd. My thoughts are that this will be the harder one for Julie.
One quick comment on the doctor, Doctor Hasford. She strikes me as very capable. More on that later, but I believe Julie is in good hands.
Here is a link to put your contact information in ... and what you are willing to help with: Julie's Helpers. On the second page of this same spreadsheet is a signup sheet for stuff that needs to be done. I am putting yellow boxes for scheduled tasks where someone needs to sign up. Cindy sent out an email address and password to get on this account to most of you. Ask me or Cindy for the information if you want access.... There are no big secrets on the file and Julie does not use this email account. If we have problems, then we will worry about it. Cindy, any help you can provide coordinating this would be great.
The spreadsheet has a sign up page for tasks. The calendar has all the important doctor stuff for Julie. It did have everything, but it got way to cluttered and I was afraid that the important stuff would get lost in the mess. Now, I think it will work best if everyone signs onto Julie's email account, goes to documents to find "Julie's Helpers" to sign up for tasks. However, I realize that everyone is not addicted to computers/software like I am. So, you can also just make an entry on the calendar and we (Cindy and I) will also put it on the spreadsheet. This is a work in progress. Also, you can just call me (cell phone number on email, or leave message on house phone) or Cindy if she is up to it. I suggest we keep the phone numbers off the blog, just too public. A series hacker can probably get the info off the spreadsheet, but let's hope there is not enough incentive for anyone to bother ...
Yes, Julie made the doll above. It is for sale in a shop in the northeast. I forgot the name, or I didn't listen. Either case, there is an empty spot in that part of my brain. Julie is a very talented artist for any of you that didn't know ... and, I am not prejudice.
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