Thursday, March 26, 2009

Radiation Treatments are Cruel and Unusual Treatments

Well, Julie has one more radiation treatment this week.  It has not been kind to her.  Her face is all red and blistered, her mouth is full of sores, and she has no energy.  She got down today to clean out the liter box, which is my job, and then could not get back up; her thigh muscles were too weak.  She rolled backward, with Ashton trying to help, and then had to roll over on her stomach, get to her hands and knees, and then get herself back up.  

Julie's entire body turned red about ten days ago from a rash.  Dr. Housford is afraid it could be a drug allergy with Tykerb, which is the cancer maintenance drug they hope will keep the cancer out of Julie's brain in the future.  We are hoping that it is a drug interaction with the steroids Julie is on to reduce the swelling in her brain.  
Dr Housford has done a great job, my opinion, as Julie's oncologist.  They are learning as they go, why, because even five years ago they did not have the drugs they are using on Julie.  And, they are just now learning from these five years of experience what works and what doesn't.  A new study just came out the Doc told us that said the type of cancer Julie has commonly moves to brain after about a year.  Julie will be a datapoint confirming that trend.  The Doc does keep an extensive log on Julie and her cancer. Everything is now stored on computer files and shared among other docs, I assume. 
At the moment our general practisioner and Julie's oncologist is a woman.  They represent my first experience with women doctors.  I like them both.  I give doctors a hard time, cross examining them and even making them listen to my stories.  Pure torture, I assure you.  These two women pass with flying colors.  With male doctors only about 10% past muster. 

Finally, here is me taking over more of the functions that Julie did around the house.  I am overwhelmed a lot of the time.  I'm tired most of the time from dawn to midnight.  Julie still trys to do things, but often is more in the way that helpful.  She doesn't read this blog, so don't tell her I said that. 

Peggy and Jody were over a few days ago helping again.  Peggy helped in the kitchen and Jody worked in the yard.  Here is picture of  Peggy overdosing on a sugar cup cake. 

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