Monday, February 23, 2009

Small Holes in Her Balloon

Small Holes in Her Ballon

When I was young
went to a fair
Mom bought us helium filled balloons
my brother and I.

Only safe way to hold
String tied around my hand
Til indoors on ceiling stored.

Waking each morning
I'd pull it down
Watch it rise
bouncing off the ceiling
softer with each new day
til one day the string held it down.

My brother cut the string
freed his blue balloon
in our front yard
let it rise 
out of sight
before it died.

I waited until one day
with string cut off
it just lay there
and when freed outdoors
bounced down the road
until it popped
on the black asphalt.

Julie in the bed
longer each morning
too many small holes
life leaking out
one hope at a time.


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